I wish I could fly to the beach - or the mountains, anywhere cooler than the Valley. I have a killer low-grade headache today and it's to damned hot to actually work on anything. Maybe you'd like to see things I could be working on?
It is WIP Friday and I have a pile of stuff in various stages of progress, not all of which I will picture here. The little mermaid merb is finished, last night I added a little ribbon fin around her waist. The Cinderella Babe is knit and stuffed, she has hair but no face and I have cut out fabric and felt for two outfits - scullery maid and ball gown.
I have also started a sweater for my nephew for the holidays, nice bulky pumpkin orange color. He's kind of a picky bugger but I threw together a swatch with the yarn and he liked it. Hmph. I have also started a stash sweater for the Bean, you'll remember the
Circus Sweater I made for the Grumble.
So i'm using - *gasp* - ACRYLIC. I'm not that much of a yarn snob but I do want to stop having to look at the gobs of acrylic filling my stash bins. Besides, she's 5, she's messy, she loves cardigans(tries to wear them in 95 degreee heat), and acrylic is totally washable. Nyah.
Pictured here we have a toolbox shaped knitting bag that I'm making for a friend - pre-felting, attached i-cord for firmer edges, and post felting. I need to shave the bag - HAR! - give it a skeleton with some plastic canvas and line it with some cute button mushroom fabric I have. I might even stitch a few matching shrooms on the bag. Last is a 10"x10" cotton fleece square for a super secret baby blanket project for Weds night Noho group. I'm not sure which side of the pattern I like better.